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Connect Mysql

本教程的示例代码为 data-access




create database recordings; use recordings; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS album; CREATE TABLE album ( id INT AUTO_INCREMENT NOT NULL, title VARCHAR(128) NOT NULL, artist VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, price DECIMAL(5,2) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`id`) ); INSERT INTO album (title, artist, price) VALUES ('Blue Train', 'John Coltrane', 56.99), ('Giant Steps', 'John Coltrane', 63.99), ('Jeru', 'Gerry Mulligan', 17.99), ('Sarah Vaughan', 'Sarah Vaughan', 34.98);
/* Navicat Premium Data Transfer Source Server Type : MySQL Source Server Version : 80027 Source Host : localhost:3306 Source Schema : recordings Target Server Type : MySQL Target Server Version : 80027 File Encoding : 65001 Date: 28/12/2023 16:18:48 */ SET NAMES utf8mb4; SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0; -- ---------------------------- -- Table structure for album -- ---------------------------- DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `album`; CREATE TABLE `album` ( `id` int NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `title` varchar(128) CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_0900_ai_ci NOT NULL, `artist` varchar(255) CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_0900_ai_ci NOT NULL, `price` decimal(5, 2) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`id`) USING BTREE ) ENGINE = InnoDB AUTO_INCREMENT = 5 CHARACTER SET = utf8mb4 COLLATE = utf8mb4_0900_ai_ci ROW_FORMAT = Dynamic; -- ---------------------------- -- Records of album -- ---------------------------- INSERT INTO `album` VALUES (1, 'Blue Train', 'John Coltrane', 56.99); INSERT INTO `album` VALUES (2, 'Giant Steps', 'John Coltrane', 63.99); INSERT INTO `album` VALUES (3, 'Jeru', 'Gerry Mulligan', 17.99); INSERT INTO `album` VALUES (4, 'Sarah Vaughan', 'Sarah Vaughan', 34.98); INSERT INTO `album` VALUES (5, 'The Modern Sound of Betty Carter', 'Betty Carter', 49.99); SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1;


// 我的配置 cfg := mysql.Config{ User: "data-access", Passwd: "data-accessdata-access", Net: "tcp", Addr: "", DBName: "recordings", }



mkdir data-access cd data-access # 初始化项目 go mod init example/data-access


// main.go package main import "github.com/go-sql-driver/mysql" // 声明一个 *sql 类型的变量。数据库。 这是您的数据库句柄 var db *sql.DB func main() { // 配置参数 cfg := mysql.Config{ // User: os.Getenv("DBUSER"),可以借此使用环境变量,构建docker镜像时常用 User: "data-access", Passwd: "data-accessdata-access", Net: "tcp", Addr: "", DBName: "recordings", } // 获取数据库连接柄 var err error // 调用 sql.Open 初始化变量,传递 的返回值。dbFormatDSN db, err = sql.Open("mysql", cfg.FormatDSN()) if err != nil { // 为了简化代码,你要调用结束 执行并将错误打印到控制台。在生产代码中,以更优雅的方式处理错误。log.Fatal log.Fatal(err) } // 调用 DB.Ping 到 确认连接到数据库是否正常。 pingErr := db.Ping() // 检查错误,以防连接失败。 if pingErr != nil { log.Fatal(pingErr) } // 如果连接成功,则打印一条消息 fmt.Println("Connected!") }


// main.go 紧挨着上面加上代码 // 定义结构 type Album struct { ID int64 Title string Artist string Price float32 } // 根据名字查询 func albumsByArtist(name string) ([]Album, error) { // 声明定义的类型的切片 var albums []Album // 执行语句以查询带有指定的艺术家的名字的记录 // Query的第一个参数是 SQL 语句。之后 参数,可以传递零个或多个任意类型的参数。减小xss注入措施 rows, err := db.Query("SELECT * FROM album WHERE artist = ?", name) if err != nil { return nil, fmt.Errorf("albumsByArtist %q: %v", name, err) } defer rows.Close() // 循环访问返回的行,使用 Rows.Scan 将每行的列值分配给结构字段。Album for rows.Next() { var alb Album // Scan获取指向 Go 值的指针列表,其中列值将被写入。将指针传递到使用运算符创建的变量中的字段。 通过指针写入以更新 struct 字段 if err := rows.Scan(&alb.ID, &alb.Title, &alb.Artist, &alb.Price); err != nil { return nil, fmt.Errorf("albumsByArtist %q: %v", name, err) } // 在循环中,将新的附加到切片 albums = append(albums, alb) } // 循环后,使用 检查整个查询中的错误。请注意,如果查询本身失败,请检查错误 这是发现结果不完整的唯一方法。rows.Err if err := rows.Err(); err != nil { return nil, fmt.Errorf("albumsByArtist %q: %v", name, err) } return albums, nil } //============================================================================ // main func //============================================================================ // 调用您添加的albumsByArtistalbums函数,将其返回值分配给 一个新变量。 albums, err := albumsByArtist("John Coltrane") if err != nil { log.Fatal(err) } fmt.Printf("Albums found: %v\n", albums)


// main.go 紧挨着上面加上代码 // 查询带有指定ID的 func albumByID(id int64) (Album, error) { var alb Album row := db.QueryRow("SELECT * FROM album WHERE id = ?", id) if err := row.Scan(&alb.ID, &alb.Title, &alb.Artist, &alb.Price); err != nil { if err == sql.ErrNoRows { return alb, fmt.Errorf("albumsById %d: no such album", id) } return alb, fmt.Errorf("albumsById %d: %v", id, err) } return alb, nil } //============================================================================ // main func //============================================================================ // 调用您添加的albumByID函数。 alb, err := albumByID(2) if err != nil { log.Fatal(err) } fmt.Printf("Album found: %v\n", alb)


// main.go 紧挨着上面加上代码 // 添加新数据 func addAlbum(alb Album) (int64, error) { // 执行INSERT语句 result, err := db.Exec("INSERT INTO album (title, artist, price) VALUES (?, ?, ?)", alb.Title, alb.Artist, alb.Price) if err != nil { return 0, fmt.Errorf("addAlbum: %v", err) } id, err := result.LastInsertId() if err != nil { return 0, fmt.Errorf("addAlbum: %v", err) } return id, nil } //============================================================================ // main func //============================================================================ //使用addAlbum,并返回 ID 添加到变量 albID, err := addAlbum(Album{ Title: "The Modern Sound of Betty Carter", Artist: "Betty Carter", Price: 49.99, }) if err != nil { log.Fatal(err) } fmt.Printf("ID of added album: %v\n", albID)


PS D:\projectCode\book\go-tutorial\code\data-access> go run . Connected! Albums found: [{1 Blue Train John Coltrane 56.99} {2 Giant Steps John Coltrane 63.99}] Album found: {2 Giant Steps John Coltrane 63.99} ID of added album: 6

常用 Drivers 指引

Drivers for Go’s sql package include https://go.dev/wiki/SQLDrivers

  • Amazon AWS Athena: https://github.com/uber/athenadriver

  • AWS Athena: https://github.com/segmentio/go-athena

  • AWS DynamoDB: https://github.com/btnguyen2k/godynamo

  • Apache Avatica/Phoenix: https://github.com/apache/calcite-avatica-go

  • Apache H2: https://github.com/jmrobles/h2go

  • Apache Hive: https://github.com/sql-machine-learning/gohive

  • Apache Ignite/GridGain: https://github.com/amsokol/ignite-go-client

  • Apache Impala: https://github.com/bippio/go-impala

  • Azure Cosmos DB: https://github.com/btnguyen2k/gocosmos

  • ClickHouse (uses HTTP API): https://github.com/mailru/go-clickhouse

  • ClickHouse (uses native TCP interface): https://github.com/ClickHouse/clickhouse-go

  • CockroachDB: Use any PostgreSQL driver

  • Couchbase N1QL: https://github.com/couchbase/go_n1ql

  • DB2 LUW (uses cgo): https://github.com/asifjalil/cli

  • DB2 LUW and DB2/Z with DB2-Connect: https://bitbucket.org/phiggins/db2cli (Last updated 2015-08)

  • DB2 LUW, z/OS, iSeries and Informix: https://github.com/ibmdb/go_ibm_db

  • Databricks: https://github.com/databricks/databricks-sql-go

  • DuckDB: https://github.com/marcboeker/go-duckdb

  • Exasol: (pure Go): https://github.com/exasol/exasol-driver-go

  • Firebird SQL: https://github.com/nakagami/firebirdsql

  • Genji (pure go): https://github.com/genjidb/genji

  • Google Cloud BigQuery: https://github.com/solcates/go-sql-bigquery

  • Google Cloud Spanner: https://github.com/googleapis/go-sql-spanner

  • Google Cloud Spanner: https://github.com/rakyll/go-sql-driver-spanner

  • MS ADODB: https://github.com/mattn/go-adodb

  • MS SQL Server (pure go): https://github.com/microsoft/go-mssqldb

  • MS SQL Server (uses cgo): https://github.com/minus5/gofreetds

  • MaxCompute: https://github.com/sql-machine-learning/gomaxcompute

  • MySQL: https://github.com/go-sql-driver/mysql/ [*]

  • MySQL: https://github.com/siddontang/go-mysql/ [**] (also handles replication)

  • MySQL: https://github.com/ziutek/mymysql [*]

  • ODBC: https://bitbucket.org/miquella/mgodbc (Last updated 2016-02)

  • ODBC: https://github.com/alexbrainman/odbc

  • Oracle (pure go): https://github.com/sijms/go-ora

  • Oracle (uses cgo): https://github.com/godror/godror

  • Oracle (uses cgo): https://github.com/mattn/go-oci8

  • Oracle (uses cgo): https://gopkg.in/rana/ora.v4

  • Postgres (pure Go): https://github.com/jackc/pgx [*]

  • Postgres (pure Go): https://github.com/lib/pq [*]

  • Postgres (uses cgo): https://github.com/jbarham/gopgsqldriver

  • Presto: https://github.com/prestodb/presto-go-client

  • QL: https://pkg.go.dev/modernc.org/ql

  • SAP ASE (pure go): https://github.com/SAP/go-ase

  • SAP ASE (uses cgo): https://github.com/SAP/cgo-ase

  • SAP HANA (pure go): https://github.com/SAP/go-hdb

  • SAP HANA (uses cgo): https://help.sap.com/viewer/0eec0d68141541d1b07893a39944924e/2.0.03/en-US/0ffbe86c9d9f44338441829c6bee15e6.html

  • SQL over REST: https://github.com/adaptant-labs/go-sql-rest-driver

  • SQLite (uses cgo): https://github.com/gwenn/gosqlite - Supports SQLite dynamic data typing

  • SQLite (uses cgo): https://github.com/mattn/go-sqlite3 [*]

  • SQLite (uses cgo): https://github.com/mxk/go-sqlite

  • SQLite: (pure go): https://modernc.org/sqlite

  • SQLite: (uses cgo): https://github.com/rsc/sqlite

  • SingleStore: Use any MySQL driver

  • Snowflake (pure Go): https://github.com/snowflakedb/gosnowflake

  • Sybase ASE (pure go): https://github.com/thda/tds

  • Sybase SQL Anywhere: https://github.com/a-palchikov/sqlago

  • TiDB: Use any MySQL driver

  • Trino: https://github.com/trinodb/trino-go-client

  • Vertica: https://github.com/vertica/vertica-sql-go

  • Vitess: https://pkg.go.dev/vitess.io/vitess/go/vt/vitessdriver

  • YDB (pure go): https://github.com/ydb-platform/ydb-go-sdk

  • YQL (Yahoo! Query Language): https://github.com/mattn/go-yql

Drivers marked with [*] are both included in and pass the compatibility test suite at https://github.com/bradfitz/go-sql-test. Drivers marked with [**] pass the compatibility test suite but are not currently included in it.

Last modified: 06 一月 2024